Friday, January 22, 2010

If at first you don't succeed.....QUIT!

This has been my motto for most of my life. If it is difficult to learn or requires more than a moment of patience.....abort mission. I have such a hard time forcing my self to try, try again.

Most people learn this discipline in school. Studying, algebra, speech class... For me school was easy and mostly viewed as a social venue. Please note- school is the ONLY thing that I have ever been good at (notice the word "good" not "great") one sad talent. However, school technically doesn't fall into the talent category, so you can see my life long dilemma. Once my mother was asked what I was good at as a child, she literally had to think for a few moments and responded, "Mandy has always been a good reader." Seriously! All this to say- school required very little of me and I missed a giant opportunity to learn some patience and perseverance.

Excuses aside, this is a serious problem in my adult life. As I sit here at my desk, panicked at the thought of once again working on the dreaded website. The website. I hate it. I have decided I can't do it, who needs one, their lame....and that's that....I wish. The real story- it's not hard, it's just taking me longer than 5 minutes to figure out so I give up. I am aimlessly finding other things to do, procrastinating.

Ughh. Sometimes it's so hard to be a grown-up. I don't want to change. Sadly, I think my daughter has begun to exhibit the same less than desirable tendencies, therefore I must rid myself of this nasty habit once and for all. My Goal: To teach my children to work hard and persevere even when things don't come easy. At least I'll "try" ;) I come. Gag.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Movin on the east a deluxe apartment in the skyyyyyy!

"Congrats" read a little yellow post it note as I got to my desk on Thursday morning. Attached was the paper work for my new position FULL-TIME Director of Special Events (I hear scary Halloween music in the background as I read that sentence out loud.) I've been cheering myself on mentally for the last 48 hours "You can do this." A few months ago, I never would have guessed this was where God was taking me, but I can honestly say I am pleasantly suprised. I will probably cry, complain and breakdown on more than one occasion, but I'm pretty excited to take on this new challenge! Feeling very excited to have my own salary, I asked David if I could get a Range Rover like Khloe Kardashian. He said, "Sure, just save your money and let me know when you have $80,000- I'll take you to get one!" Might be awhile, but we all have to have goals right? :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The dog hates me.

It's a new year, new outlook, new resolutions and yet the days just don't have that "new" feel. After much soul searching and contemplation- I've decided it's the dog's fault. Every morning for the past few days I wake up to a pile of poop on the carper directly in front of my closet. The first morning I stepped in pee and caught myself seconds before stepping directly in the poop. At first I was angry. Who wants to be on their hands and knees in the dark cleaning dog poop off the carpet before they have had their morning coffee or shower? As the days go by, my anger has slowly morphed into anxiety. Why is he doing this? My perfectly potty trained dog of two years. Am I being punished for the "few" times I have taken the dog on a walk without a bag because I was too lazy to go back in the house and get one? This tragedy has sent me into a downward spiral of crazy. Our life is out of control...the kids are wild and misbehaving (a given in our house), our schedules our crazy (have been for years), I can't find my keys or phone in my black hole of a purse (life long problem) and now the dog is acting out- methodically pooping in the exact same spot every morning..... I have lost all sense of control. It is the straw that broke the camel's back. I've snapped. God help the dog, the children and especially David (it's always his fault ;) if it happens again.