Friday, January 15, 2010

Movin on the east a deluxe apartment in the skyyyyyy!

"Congrats" read a little yellow post it note as I got to my desk on Thursday morning. Attached was the paper work for my new position FULL-TIME Director of Special Events (I hear scary Halloween music in the background as I read that sentence out loud.) I've been cheering myself on mentally for the last 48 hours "You can do this." A few months ago, I never would have guessed this was where God was taking me, but I can honestly say I am pleasantly suprised. I will probably cry, complain and breakdown on more than one occasion, but I'm pretty excited to take on this new challenge! Feeling very excited to have my own salary, I asked David if I could get a Range Rover like Khloe Kardashian. He said, "Sure, just save your money and let me know when you have $80,000- I'll take you to get one!" Might be awhile, but we all have to have goals right? :)

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